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DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 (1.0.3) for #arduino [IT, job post]
Posted 1 year ago
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 (1.0.3) for #arduino by #cyberonebu…DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 (1.0.5) for #arduino [IT, offer services]
Posted 1 year ago
DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 (1.0.5) for #arduino by #cyberonebu…DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 (1.0.5) for #arduino by #[IT, other]
Posted 1 year ago
DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 (1.0.5) for #arduino by #cyberonebu…DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
Ligação sensor PIR + Arduino + http://VB.netQuer[NOT-IT]
Posted 2 years ago
Ligação sensor PIR + Arduino + http://VB.netQuer ficar por dentro de notícias como essa? Nos segue!#programadores #developers #desenvlvedor Link da notícia:
Posted 2 years ago
Do you or your company need expert software development?
I am a U.S. based software developer looking to develop software for a local company or individual. Large or small projects accepted.
I can take your software development project from planning all the way to completion.
Areas of expertise
I have done software development projects in almost every imaginable field. ...
Recommendations? Any Hardware Entrepreneur, who has scaling experience on IoT devices?[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
Have few questions regarding the scaling of IoT devices.
Forgive me if I am too Noob at these. I am from Mechanical Background.
I will be grateful if you could share your personal experience or any recommendation on books or webinars or websites in this regard.
Realising an arduino based hardware prototype to sophisticated working hardware?
Design principles to follow ...
Is there any Mass Produced Microcontroller available for a toy drone? How Do I?[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
Hello frieds, I need a guidance!
So I am thinking of developing a toy drone and wish to manufacture it as well.
I made a prototype using Arduino Nano but I would like to get a PCB board/Microcontroller with all the sensors for the same. Requirement of sensors include a Motor Driver, Gyroscope, Bluetooth Module, Power Input etc. The ...
Congrats to the Arduino team for their hard work a[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
Congrats to the Arduino team for their hard work and progress. Thanks to open-source code and community support, I created many projects this year. Thanks for supporting tech development and developers. Wishing you more success and achievements.
Servo control over BLE using ESP32 from HASSIO htt[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
Servo control over BLE using ESP32 from HASSIO Hi, I have a personal project that requires a developer with knowledge in ESP32 board, ESPHome & Arduino programming and scripting and perform automation within HASSIO (Home Assistant). If your are intereste…
Amen. U a software developer? I'm trying to learn [IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
Amen. U a software developer? I'm trying to learn how to write code in Arduino to program EEPROMS. Not easy, but so far learned how to edit existing programs, like 'timing' sequences. Any advice on Arduino? I find webpage building a challenge, esp: Java & Flex 2.