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انا مهتم بال backend ازاى اقدر [NOT-IT]
Posted 2 years ago
انا مهتم بال backend ازاى اقدر يبقى تندى القدرة ان اشتغل باكتر من تكنولوجى يعنى مش عايز ابقى php developer او ja… — افضل اعمل دة ومرة في مرة هتكون اسهل. حاول تفهم اللي بتعمله دة بشكل عام بيتعمل ليه، مش عشان الـ framework دة بالضب…
@nextjs it's a ready for production framework crea[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
@nextjs it's a ready for production framework created by @vercel based on React for build full stack applications, it's "limited" by developer experience with React and backend code, it's focused in development and deployment experience.
Please I need a development mentor on my tech jour[IT, looking for services]
Posted 2 years ago
Please I need a development mentor on my tech journey which is backend developer..
Hi I'm a Frontend developer. Currently learning ba[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
Hi I'm a Frontend developer. Currently learning backend development.
I am able to do this task, I am a software develop[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
I am able to do this task, I am a software developer with higher level studies in python for backend development.
WR 235: Backend development al vivo con Isabel Gar[IT, offer services]
Posted 2 years ago
WR 235: Backend development al vivo con Isabel Garrido .Isa ha trabajado en varios equipos y empresas de desarrollo pero ahora está en SEAT Code como Senior Backend Developer. vía @webreactiva @isabeliita90
MacBook Pro Great for software developmentBest lap[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
MacBook Pro Great for software developmentBest laptop at this moment.Best machine for backend developer at this time
Frontend or backend development? #Programmer #prog[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
Frontend or backend development? #Programmer #programming #developer #studenlife #computerscience #computer #software #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwarengineer #webdeveloper #c #datascientist #programminglanguage #programing #codinglife #fullstack #git
Frontend - Backend - Fullstack DeveloperFREE reso[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
Frontend - Backend - Fullstack DeveloperFREE resources Tutorials - YouTube DOCS VsCode W3SchoolsNetworking Twitter LinkedinTip Don't skip the basicsHtml - Css - JavaScript - Node - Express - Git I create SLIDES on Twitter Tutorials on YOUTUBE
There are 3 types of web developers.1/Front-end2/B[IT, other]
Posted 2 years ago
There are 3 types of web developers.1/Front-end2/Back-end3/FullstackHow to become one of them?Start with #1 or #2.When I started my journey, I had to do both front, back-end and database. It was complex but allowed me to think end-to-end.Challenges help you grow.